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Analysis of genomic diversity in Mexican Mestizo population to develop genomic medicine in Mexico

Irma Silva-Zolezzi, Alfredo Hidalgo-Miranda, Jesus Estrada-Gil, Juan Carlos Fernandez-Lopez, Laura Uribe-Figueroa, Alejandra Contreras, Eros Balam-Ortiz, Laura del Bosque-Plata, Cesar Lara, David Velazquez-Fernandez, Rodrigo Goya, Enrique Hernandez-Lemus, Carlos Davila, Eduardo Barrientos, Santiago March, and Gerardo Jimenez-Sanchez.

National Institute of Genomic Medicine (INMEGEN), Mexico Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009. Published online before print May 11, 2009, doi:10.1073/pnas.0903045106